On behalf of the entire Enviro-Works Inc. team, we sincerely hope that you are in good health and in good spirits. We must admit that we are collectively reeling from the events that have transpired in our continent over the past week. Of course, we are all still contending with the coronavirus pandemic. That means social distancing and self-isolation are still very much called for.

However, we’d argue that an entirely new pandemic has started. Correction – this other pandemic we speak of is nothing new. Sadly, it’s arguably the oldest pandemic and longest-standing crisis this world has ever seen. Racism, hatred and bigotry are tearing our world apart. And after the senseless murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota last week, we are now reminded of a fight for justice that we must all participate in.

We send our sincere and heartfelt condolences to the Floyd family.

We also offer our support to his friends and everyone else who has been so deeply impacted by this tragedy. Sadly, such tragedies are far too commonplace. This is why we believe that the present time in our lives is one when we must all take action. You can donate to the GoFundMe initiative started by the Floyd family. However, we also believe there is power in voicing your views. Silence can no longer be a choice when confronted with an example of racism.

At Enviro-Works Inc., we’re proud to call Edmonton, Alberta home. While it may not be heralded too often as such, our city is a multicultural one. It embraces people from all over the world. More than a third of Edmonton’s population is made up of visible minorities. As Edmontonians, we are reminded daily about the beauty of our city – knowing that it is home to wonderful people who have come from all points on the globe.

Our message today is one of peace and unity.

Who wouldn’t want to live in a world where no one is judged based on their ethnicity? Who wouldn’t want to live in a world where one’s racial background is not considered a cause for concern? In order for change to come, it will require some effort from all of us. So, as mentioned, silence is not the answer.

This time in our history is one when it’s important to be anti-racist, and not just non-racist. This may require some uncomfortable conversations with people you care about. Nothing will change overnight. But we sincerely believe that heartfelt expressions of love, concern and respect are needed. Ignoring blatant declarations of hate will not help matters. We hope you’ll join us in our plight.

Edmonton is rallying against racism.

Today, CTV News reports that there is a virtual “Be the Change” rally planned for Edmonton tomorrow. “The event was initially planned as an in-person rally but switched to a virtual format to comply with Alberta’s public health orders, which ban gatherings of larger than 50 people,” they explain.

Global News reports that the Edmonton Police Service is in full support of such anti-racism protests. The force shared an online tribute to George Floyd last Friday. Enviro-Works Inc. is in full agreement. We support the fight for justice and equality. It is change we so desperately need.