by Dan Faraldo | Apr 27, 2021 | Asbestos In Air
Back on December 30, 2018, asbestos was finally outlawed in Canada. As of that date, the Prohibition of Asbestos and Products Containing Asbestos Regulations took effect, prohibiting the import, sale and use of asbestos and the manufacture, import, sale and use of...
by Dan Faraldo | Apr 13, 2021 | Company News
Here we are, in year two of the pandemic. We’re sure you join us in our extreme disappointment in the length of this awful crisis. A year ago, we were all hopeful that the coronavirus would become a thing of the past within months. Obviously, that was not meant to be....
by Dan Faraldo | Mar 30, 2021 | Respirable Silica, Laboratory Services
Do you work in an industry where compressed air is required? Sand blasters and painters are two vocations where compressed air may be necessary. According to Medline Plus, abrasives manufacturing, glass manufacturing, mining, quarrying, road and building construction...
by Dan Faraldo | Mar 16, 2021 | Respirable Silica
Enviro-Works Inc. is the only laboratory in western Canada to offer in-house respirable crystalline silica testing. It is also one of the only labs in North America to offer the low detection limits we provide for our clients. We’re very proud of the fact that our lab...
by Dan Faraldo | Mar 2, 2021 | Mould, Laboratory Services
Congratulations Canada! In a little under three weeks, the spring season will officially be upon us! And while it’s true that winter-like weather conditions may persist well into April, there’s no question that we’re a lot closer to experiencing a return to warmer...