VOC sources include building materials, furniture, factory emissions, paints/coatings/aerosols, cleaning products, solvents, pesticides, wild fires, mould and bacteria.
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are low boiling point chemicals that are emitted as a gas into ambient air.
They are numerous and ubiquitous and are produced by both human made and naturally occurring sources.
These sources include building materials, furniture, factory emissions, paints/coatings/aerosols, cleaning products, solvents, pesticides, wild fires, mould and bacteria.
Many of these compounds are dangerous to our health.
Enviro-Works Inc. employs the EPA TO-17 using GC-MS method for the determination of VOCs. This method uses active or passive sampling of air that traps the target analytes onto a multi-sorbent bed tube. These sorbent tubes allow for fast and accurate sample collection of indoor air, fence line, stack, workplace and occupational monitoring.
Laboratory processing and analysis are much quicker than cannister sampling due to far less sample preparation time. Target analytes can be customized based on your needs, please call to inquire.
Analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) in air by Automated thermal Desorption with Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectroscopy (ATD-GC-MS) using EPA Method TO-17.
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