The coronavirus pandemic has certainly taken its toll on the world at large. However, we are especially saddened today as we consider the hardships being faced by our neighbours in Fort McMurray. Last week, the city experienced a massive flooding that forced residents to evacuate their homes and businesses.

With so many people without electricity, gas and even their familiar roofs over their heads, the town of Fort McMurray is experiencing yet another unimaginable tragedy. The flood comes nearly four years to the day of the Fort McMurray wildfire. Causing approximately $10 million in damage, it was called the costliest disaster in Canadian history. Needless to say, the northern Alberta city has had it rough. We’re heartbroken.

Our thoughts are with everyone in Fort McMurray.

On behalf of the entire Enviro-Works Inc. team, we’d like to send our most sincere best wishes to each every resident of Fort McMurray. We hope, so greatly, that you are keeping safe and comfortable and will be able to resume life, as you know it, as soon as possible. Our team also asks everyone to join us in helping the residents of Fort McMurray to contend with what is likely to be a long journey towards normalcy.

As always, the Canadian Red Cross is accepting donations. Please click on THIS LINK in order to offer a donation of any size to those who could use your help. In fact, the Canadian Red Cross recently tweeted that the flooding is impacting communities in both Alberta and British Columbia. They offer the following tips to stay safe during flooding:

• Monitor weather and alerts.
• Be prepared to evacuate at a moment’s notice.
• Avoid driving through flood waters.

Residents affected by the flood can apply for direct funding from the government.

“Starting at noon on Monday, residents impacted by flooding will be able apply to the government for emergency payments of $1,250 per adult and $500 per dependent child,” reports CTV News Edmonton, “Applications must be submitted online. This payment is separate from assistance provided by the Red Cross.”

In addition, the Canadian Red Cross has been handing out cleanup kits. As reported by CBC, the kits include latex and work gloves, sponges, garbage bags, mops and scrub brushes. The Red Cross is also providing emergency housing through May 10 for people whose homes are not safe to live in.

Residents are facing a very tough time.

Needless to say, the residents of communities impacted by the recent flood are having it hard right now. Fort McMurray’s Moe Aoude is one of them. According to CTV News Edmonton, he returned to his home on Friday after following an evacuation order from the city. Confronting his worst nightmare, Aoude found that his home was left in ruins.

“I found a disaster in my house,” he is quoted as saying, “Everything was upside-down. All the couches, furniture, my kitchen counters popped off the wall, and they’re sitting in the middle of the kitchen, my fridge. Everything’s upside-down. Living room tables are in the bedrooms.”

Our hearts are with all those affected by the recent flooding. Please be safe. As a reminder, you can make a donation HERE to help with the relief efforts.