We’ve all seen it. That yucky blackened section of the tiles in our bathrooms – it often accumulates in the shower. But sometimes, we can see it near the ceiling or on the floor. Because moisture is ever-present in our bathrooms, they are susceptible to mould growth almost more than any other room in the home. This is especially true for those used by lovers of hot showers.

All of that condensation on the mirror after a long hot shower is the equivalent of the perfect breeding ground for mould. Not only is it wise to lower the heat of your water during showering, it’s important to run those exhaust fans while you’re in there. Let’s take a closer look at what can be done to have a mould-free bathroom.


“Few rooms in the home see as much moisture and humidity as the bathroom,” Better Homes & Gardens reminds us, “Be sure your bathroom stays well-ventilated. An exhaust fan will help circulate the air and remove moisture more quickly. These additional actions will help keep your bathroom fresh and mould-free.”

Their website goes on to offer some tips for keeping your bathroom as mould-free as possible. They include spreading out towels after use so that they can dry more quickly and minimizing containers left in the shower for cleaning ease and better circulations. Better Homes & Garden also suggests wiping down the shower with a clean towel or squeegee after its last daily use and choosing shower curtains that dry and clean easily to help avoid residue which fosters mould.


Dry all wet areas right away. While the bathroom is a place where wet areas are the norm, it’s important to remember that spills can happen anywhere in the home. As well, because of the warm weather during the summer, the cooler temperatures of the surfaces in your home are especially susceptible to condensation. So, here’s the bottom line: Wipe up wherever you see moisture!

“Mould can’t grow without moisture, so tackle wet areas right away,” advises Heidi Hill of the Mother Nature Network, “Seepage into the basement after a heavy rainfall, accumulation from a leaky pipe, even a spill on the carpet should be dried within 24 to 48 hours. If you’ve experienced a flood, remove water-damaged carpets, bedding, and furniture if they can’t be completely dried.”

Hill goes on to highlight the importance of drying the floors and walls after your shower. She also asks us to be mindful of state of our clothes during laundry time. “Don’t leave wet clothes in the washing machine, where mould can spread quickly,” she instructs, “Hang them to dry — preferably outside or in areas with good air circulation.”


Let’s work together on keeping your entire home mould-free! What is the best way to detect mould? At Enviro-Works Inc., we specialize in detecting mould in a variety of ways. Our state-of-the-art laboratory services include detection of Mould In Air as well as through sampling bulk materials, using tapelifts and swabbing, also known as the Bulk/Tapelift/Swab methods.

For more information about our Mould Testing, please don’t hesitate to call us at 780-457-4652 or email us at info@enviro-works.com.