On behalf of the entire Enviro-Works Inc. team, we would like to wish you all a wonderful holiday season! We’re aware, of course, that these holidays will be unlike any other we’ve experienced before. Because of the pandemic, many of us have chosen to limit the sizes of our family gatherings or not even have them at all.

We know that this may put a significant damper on your holiday spirit. However, we hope that you’ll find yourself having a very joyous holiday season with renewed hope for a much better new year. We know that 2021 brings us no guarantee of a COVID-free world. Nevertheless, we are confident that we are on the path towards a safer future.

Just a reminder: we are open throughout the holidays!

As we announced in our last blog, Enviro-Works Inc. is dedicated to offering our customers the best service possible. With 2020 having been such a tough year, we figured we could make things a little bit easier by making ourselves more accessible this holiday season. We usually close down during the week between Christmas Day and New Year’s Day. This year, however, we will remain open throughout the holiday season with the exception of the statutory holidays.

We wish everyone a very Merry Christmas, a Happy Kwanzaa and a Happy New Year! No matter what you celebrate or how you choose to acknowledge the occasion, our team offers you our warmest wishes. We would also like to reiterate our sincere gratitude towards everyone who has continued to show us their support during these trying times. We’re especially grateful to everyone who helped us to support Edmonton’s Food Bank this month!

We surpassed our goal!

Each and every year, during the holiday season, the Enviro-Works Inc. team selects a charitable organization to support. This year, we chose to support Edmonton’s Food Bank because of their significantly-increased demand for food due to the pandemic. Our goal was to raise a minimum of 2020 food items by December 20th. Our team would then match the item donation with a $2020.00 cash donation!

By December 3rd, we had already gotten to 70% of our goal! We set up a designated food box in our reception area for any clients who wished to pitch in. As well, to celebrate the initiative, we utilized a wall in our office space by adding one heart or one star per item to the wall for each and every item that came in. You were all amazing! With your help, we were able to follow through on our promise to support Edmonton’s Food Bank with their higher demands this year.

“We envision a community where hunger does not exist, where all citizens have access to an adequate and nutritious supply of food,” says Edmonton’s Food Bank on their website, “(Our mission is) to be stewards in the collection of surplus and donated food for the effective distribution, free of charge, to people in need in our community while seeking solutions to the causes of hunger.”

Feel free to contact us during the holidays!

For information about our services, please don’t hesitate to call Enviro-Works Inc. at 780-457-4652. You may also email us at info@enviro-works.com. Happy Holidays everyone!